What was the life of Christ but a perpetual humiliation?
--- St. Vincent de Paul

24 September 2016

Stills and a Memory

Note: This was to have been posted on September 13.

Today marks the six year anniversary of “the illness.”  Adult Onset Stills Disease as it was eventually diagnosed.  That story is for another time.

Now is a memory.  There is a mild ache in my left arm. You know, I get these passing aches here and there throughout my body.  There used to be aches that I thought would never go away, that I thought would stay as reminders.  This one is a bit new – it may be due to trying to incorporate more exercise, it may be a flare, it may be the workings of a new homeopathic remedy.  I’d guess that is the most likely given the sudden outburst of emotion I just experienced.

This mild ache reminded me of one the very many crosses God saw fit to send.  For a period of time, I wore an automatic blood pressure cuff.  Things were quite critical so I am sure it was easier to monitor than having a nurse come in every 15 minutes.

But … every 15 minutes!  It was, then, torture. 

The cry of my heart tonight is that I wanted so badly – not just then in the death grip of the blood pressure cuff, but at any point in this journey – to be held and told: everything is going to be okay.  We are going to be stronger for this.  It is okay to cry, to be scared, to be vulnerable.  It is ok and I am here with you.

But I never got any of that, not from whom I needed it.

Do not misunderstand.  I was far from alone.  The Good Lord carried me and sustained me.  But one would still have wished for certain earthly support.

04 September 2016


I saw of picture of you today and my heart just about stopped.  It was quite unexpected.  You were so young and beautiful then!
My heart sighed and nearly cried over what was, 
but could never have been.
It was so purely by chance that I took a peek at a high school reunion page.  There you were, with a group of friends.  I remember some of them, too.  So very young.
This must have been not too long before we met.  31 years ago?
My heart did sigh and nearly cry with longing and regret over the love we shared, but lost in foolish youth.
It could never have been anything more.  We were two broken hearts, too young and broken to heal each other.  It was not at all perfect or ideal, and it was far from pure.  But it was real.
My heart does break and now it aches – remembering.
I never wanted to love anyone other than you.  My heart broke for years and years running away from the pain of being without you.  And I remembered only the awful things.  I forgot how much I loved you indeed.  For real.
            My heart now mourns what could have been, but never was.
And yet – I am glad to see that picture of you then, so young and beautiful, before the awful things.  It is good to see that face again.  Not the awful one that occasionally haunts my dreams. 
Maybe now my heart will be at peace. 
May your own heart be whole and at peace, as well.